Thursday 13 September 2012

Hello all Failsafers and those on RPAH Elimination diet...

If you live in the Illawarra NSW area (or want to travel down with me!) and interested in coming to listen to me talk about Failsafe Foods...

You need to book your tickets ASAP to join 

 'Food for Thought'

We will be looking at what is the Failsafe diet, what can it do for me, how to get started, what if I have allergies too...

You can buy tickets from the DPS Canteen or questions regarding ticket sales can be directed to Michelle Briant by facebook or email or for more info about the talk you can email

Tickets go on sale Friday 14th Sept


Dapto Public School - Hall
66 Sierra Dr, Horsley


Tues 16th October


6pm-8pm approx


$10.00 pp - Purchase of tickets are only through DPS Canteen

questions regarding ticket sales can be directed to Michelle Briant by facebook or email

Ticket numbers are limited

A light supper will be provided after the talk

 If you are a local failsafer and would like to share your story, please let me know as I think sharing is the best way to encourage others on their journey...