Friday 31 May 2013

Cooking Classes for Term 2 - June 2013

Cooking classes for Term 2 - June 2013

Failsafe to Healing (set of 3 classes)


All three classes $270

Time: 1030am - 1pm
Dates: Thursdays: 6th June, 13th June, 20th June 2013
Location: Kersten's Kitchen: Peakhurst, Sydney

Day one - 6th June

 Transitioning from failsafe to grain free healing diet
 Transition recipes - snacks and mains

Day two - 13th June

 Basic fermented veg and drinks
 How to make broth and basic soups
 Grain free meals including lasagne

Day three - 21st June

 Grain free snacks and desserts
 Coconut oil and flour baking

All food will be free from gluten and dairy (except ghee) and nuts. We will be using coconut, ghee, some gluten free seeds including buckwheat, millet, tapioca and eggs. We will go through how to use mod salicylates initially, but will use all sorts of fruit and veg in the classes.

We will be using the Thermomix for many of our creations.

Full payment will be required to secure your spot. Places are limited.

Please email me and I will send you payment and confirmation details