Friday 7 June 2013

Melbourne Cooking Class July 2013

Gluten Free and Grain Free Baking

DATE: Sat 20th July 2013
TIME: 11 - 4pm
COST: $150
WHERE: Narre Warren North

We are cooking in the lovely Joanne's Kitchen so places are limited. She has kindly offered up her place for me to stay so I have been able to reduce the cost of the class significantly.

We will be making (everything gluten and nut free)


breads using different gluten free grains
pear muffins
carob brownies

Grain free and refined sugar free (using coconut flour):

chocolate coconut cupcakes
banana bread

We will also sample some other grain free delights including coconut yoghurt... the rest will be a surprise

Please email me for details if you would like to join us...